Miracle of the Can (Part I)
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- Publication date
- ca. 1956
- Usage
- Public Domain
- Topics
- Agriculture: Food industry, Agriculture: Farms and farming, Agriculture: Food industry: Canning
- Item Size
- 1.5G
Shows history of can making in the U.S. Excellent footage of mass production and discussion of the growth of agribusiness.
Stock shots: soldiers eating canned rations; toddler eating baby food; kitchen; can opening; man being awoken by a phone call at 2 AM; dumping coffee beans into giant grinder; pebble dropped in pool.
Native Americans doing what is supposed to be a harvest dance. CU of Indian drum.
Historical recreation of Pilgrims at Thanksgiving.
Surprise shots: fruit on the vine dissolves into an aluminum can on the vine. Cornucopia of produce dissolves into cornucopia of cans.
"All growing things are provided with a protective covering; it occurred to man if he could provide a permanent protective covering for the bounty of nature he could then readily extend the harvest season until every day of the year became a day of plenty."
Growth of agribusiness: "Farmers began to plant more and more acres; improve their yields; lifted their farm incomes to higher level; adding purchasing power that gladdened the hearts of entire families. A new agricultural era was in the making all through the growing demand for canned foods."
Handpacking and hand soldering cans. [recreation]
"All this [growth in agricultural, meat and fish production] because the can making industry had faced and met nature's challenge, here is my limitless bounty for the taking, protect it well."
"Just as harvest time means more than the ending of one bountiful season, it contains within itself the seeds of another more fruitful spring. So this humblest little servant of your daily life, contains not just a product but symbolizes a more abundant life for all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world. This is the miracle of the can."
- Addeddate
- 2002-07-16 00:00:00
- Ccnum
- asr
- Closed captioning
- no
- Collectionid
- 18827a
- Color
- B&W
- Country
- United States
- External-identifier
- Fil-transport
- boost
- Identifier
- Miracleo1956
- Identifier-commp
- baga6ea4seaqinoocn4bqbgqurikq26mfy2mozt5vedbdn3kqdkorjkebuajpiaq
- Numeric_id
- 693
- Proddate
- ca. 1956
- Run time
- 20:08
- Sound
- Sd
- Type
- MovingImage
- Whisper_asr_module_version
- 20230805.01
Subject: The Film is in the can!
Subject: basics